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Endorsements for Glant Havenar



It is my great pleasure and honor to endorse Glant Havenar as the candidate for the position of Mayor for the Town of Palmer Lake.

Glant and I served on the Town Council for many years, taking on many challenging issues. She was always open and devoted to the process of making decisions. Her love and dedication to you and our town is unmatched. She will continue to give greatly to you and the Town as our new Mayor.

John Cressman, Mayor of Palmer Lake

— John Cressman
Former Mayor Palmer Lake

Glant Havenar is an exceptional Palmer Lake Trustee. I have had the pleasure of working with her on several key regional projects, and Glant's love of her town is palpable in Board meetings, round tables, and events. But Glant's pride in Palmer Lake is also recognizable in her daily activities, as she lives and breathes a desire to always work for her residents. Her sleeves are always "rolled up" and ready to work. Glant Havenar is a true leader and a model for "neighborhood governance." I ask for your vote for Glant as Palmer Lake's next Mayor.  — Longinos Gonzalez
Comissioner, El Paso County

"For many years, it has been my pleasure to work with Glant Havenar in the many capacities in which she has served our town.  Her decision-making is sound, insightful, and visionary, always considering both our ordinances and the individual facts of each situation as well as the unique dynamics of our town. Her energy for Palmer Lake has always been unflagging, whether serving on the Board of Trustees, as a member of PPACG, or as a part of the many civic committees and organizations that make Palmer Lake run. She will be highly skilled at building consensus and a sense of teamwork among her Board of Trustees. She holds a passion for our town that I have seldom seen in my years of public service. Whether collaborating with office staff, town department managers, or the citizens themselves, she has always been an effective listener, bringing wisdom and balance to any issue. I can’t imagine a better mayor for the Town of Palmer Lake.”   — Nikki McDonald
Former Mayor, Palmer Lake

"Having worked with Glant in the past, I can say, with complete confidence, that Palmer Lake would be exceedingly fortunate to elect Glant as your Mayor. She is a well rounded, proactive, respectful, effective worker with the highest integrity. Vote for Glant, you won't regret it!" Carol Palmer Bainbridge


— Carol Palmer Bainbridge

Glant Havenar is a leader and a true visionary for Palmer Lake. She works hard for her community as a Trustee, and she works with Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments and Palmer Lake Economic Development Group to fruther strengthen Palmer Lake's future. Glant is a detail-oriented Trustee whose next logical role is Mayor of Palmer Lake. Beyond the work she does in her community, Glant is a mother, wife, and friend whom we all trust. I trust her abilities, logic, and drive to help position Palmer Lake as one of the best towns on the Front Range. — James Romanello
Trustee, Town of Monument

Committee to Elect Glant Havenar
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